
We boil our milk. I haven't found a good reason against boiling milk. My best friend's mum never boiled milk for her family, from her cow. I have drank fermented unboiled milk at their home, but unknowingly, until the BF mentioned it. Since then I never drank their fermented milk.

We, my community, milk our cow for up to 3 years. People brag about how long their cattle are milked after giving birth! Forgive our ignorance. Most families don't provide salts to their cattle. No dairy meals. Just napier, field grass, maize stalk, and climber plants. Hell, our cattle go for days without drinking water! The farmers don't realize that a dairy cow should give birth, on average, once a year and that the calves are the profit.

This is my neighbor’s cow that had just given birth. We pulled the calf for 10 straight minutes until the mum laid down from exhaustion, and pain. That happened 2 days ago. The placenta is supposed to drop on its own after birth, in 24 hours time. My neighbor’s cow didn't and we had to get the vet yesterday to remove it. Sometimes we wait all night long for the cow to go into labor. That's where milk comes from, not the stores!

Fossil Fuels for Africa!

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