
I am cooking beans the way all families do it here. We don't have the luxury (cheap reliable electricity and refrigerators) of harvesting highly perishable green beans so we dry them up for easy storage. Beans are our main source of protein apart from milk. We cook them for hours on an open fire, uncovered because once you cover the cooking pot, they foam and that will put out the fire.

And because we lack refrigerators, we cook just enough beans for a meal or two.

The big problem is getting enough firewood to fully cook the beans especially if the children have to fetch tree twigs and sticks from underneath the trees. We need logs or wood with a larger diameter or just bigger in size because we want a denser energy source. A source that lets you leave the smoky kitchen and go sit outside instead of being some sort of it a ‘firewood loader’.

These type of firewood can't cook beans! That's my good friend Masongo’s wife. We built them a house and we have them connected to the grid. They are doing very very well and fetching firewood this way is normal.

I hope I can someday provide them with clean cooking LPG.

Fossil Fuels for Africa!

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