Yes, could not agree more, FOSSIL FUELS FOR AFRICA!

In Kenya, the 34 persons I help keep alive there, one of their main constant challenges is cooking indoors and the smoke they inhale contributing to TB and other such diseases.

Besides Alex Epstein's books, all must read "Eco-Imperialism--Green Power, Black Death" by Paul Driessen where he shows the overwhelming evidence that power line electricity and DDT will save millions of African lives each year.

Get free, stay free.

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The easiest way to improve health in Africa would be by replacing firewood and charcoal with LPG gas.

Especially for women and chldren, who are the ones living near the smoke source.

Would also free up the girls so they can go to school and build the future.

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We soak the beans in water for 24 hours first and find that reduces the cooking time. Also, a pressure cooker cooks them faster.

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Many Belgians after a busy day of work buy a takeaway or a ready-made meal to heat in microwave. Then they vote for Net Zero!

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I’m in Belgium. So no artificial additives, colouring, etc. 100% organic

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Thank you, Jusper, for giving us power-privileged a reality check.

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