Sep 6Liked by Jusper Machogu

This hike looks like a classic. The views are something else!

As "Toward 2141" said earlier, maybe you should put a word in for nuclear power, besides fossil fuels. You have some good scientists and engineers in Kenya - maybe they can work on thorium-fueled nuclear energy.

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Sep 6Liked by Jusper Machogu

Yes, because "Fossil Fuels" may run out some day. There is debate about when so-called "Peak Oil" will occur. And so much other products and processes require Petroleum, than just fuel. I also put them in quotes because there is debate about whether Petroleum creation is Abiotic or Biotic. It makes no sense, in the long run, to continue to waste Petroleum by burning it for fuel when Nuclear Power could replace that. But, there ARE some situations (such as in cooking), where there is just no replacement for Natural Gas. Electric just does not quite cut it. That being said, there is this other process that you might want to look into called "Thermal Depolymerization" where you can manufacture crude out of trash and pig shit simply by adding water under pressure and applying heat, for like 40 minutes. With nuclear power you can do that.

That being said, in the long run, if we are to colonize space, it's going to HAVE to be nuclear power because you just can't burn petroleum in places where there is no oxygen. For example: Titan, saturn's moon, is swimming with petrochemicals. There are even OCEANS of the stuff. But you can't burn it because...No oxygen in the atmosphere. Africa can contribute MUCH to a future space colonization program and interplanetary travel as well, because it has the highest rate of births and a high amount of eager and talented young people who will want to envision and look forward to that future.

As of now, so much talent is being wasted on poverty and physical toil. Which...I really like Machogu's shirt saying "JustStopToil" as a parody of "Just Stop Oil" from the GreenieMeanies...It says so much.

I think that the modern day Slavery is the holding back of abundant energy from the African continent.

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I try to but that's just electricity. And it's expensive electricity keeping in mind that we have geothermal in Kenya. Hydro is cheap as well. The two have up to 30GW of untapped potential at the moment. A half cheaper in fact!

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Sep 10Liked by Jusper Machogu

Well done you fit gazelles. Last eruption only 1860!

Gee that wasn't much water to take (speaking from hard learned experience).

What was the crop at the end of the video?

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That's tea. Kericho and Kisii are full of it.

😊😊I was so proud of myself. I led the group - I am the most athletic or fit

It wasn't enough but we brought some at the gate

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Sep 5Liked by Jusper Machogu

That looks real hot. It gets pretty hot here in Southern California, USA, where I live. Me and my friends often go hiking in mountains and deserts around here. But your area looks much more green.

Interesting thing you mention fossil fuels and the cooking. It got hard to hear what you were saying because of the wind, when you were talking about where Africa gets 90% of its energy from. But, if you said "from the burning of wood..." That adds to deforestation, yet another reason why to have natural gas and oil instead of wood-burning. Yet another thing that has either never occurred to the Marco Silvas of the world or the BBC, or that they deliberately won't talk about. Because, for these hypocrites, it never was about the environment. It was always about CONTROL.

By the way, what do you think of Nuclear Energy? Particularly Thorium Molten Salt? Thorium is far more abundant than Uranium and it is much cleaner too. Much less waste. China just built their first commercial thorium nuclear reactor.


Maybe Russia and China could work with African countries to build these things there too? Thorium nuclear power would be great for water desalinization and for cement-making, and could save fossil fuels for transportation and fertilizer.

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~90% of their energy from burning biomass. Biomass is wood, charcoal, crop residue and cowdung.

Thanks for your thoughts.

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