Electric machines have their place. But anytime that governments get involved and start trying to manipulate you into doing something that would have never happened otherwise, it always ends in disaster. Deliberately eliminating fossil fuels, trying to eliminate gasoline vehicles, encouraging solar energy farms where real farms and forests used to be which were much better for the environment, encouraging mass quantities of windmills where they should not be ... All of this is short sided and fruitless. There is a time and place for these things ijn certain applications, but trying to force out alternatives that are much more adapted to other applications is just stupid (big surprise there)!

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Annother stupid idea from child-like minds who refuse to look at the true cost of EVs. Sounds good! Save the planet!

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According to mainstream climate activist sites, Transportation only accounts for 14% of emissions anyway, with air travel only accounting for 2%. So people can feel as virtuous as they want driving their expensive Teslas, and pat themselves on the back. Not going to do anything about emissions, though. This is really just a big exercise in artificially subsidizing and pumping up markets, at great cost to the average consumer. And a scam for lawyers. And a malthusian agenda to top it off.

That being said, I DO like to extrapolate Humanity beyond the Earth and long term, into deep space and beyond onto airless moons and planets without oxygen in their atmospheres, like Mars and so on. Earth moving will have to be done by something non-ICE. Most likely electric or maybe nuclear powered. There is this material called "Reduced Graphene Oxide" (RGO) that supposedly can store hydrogen atoms in its lattice and interstices, at an energy density equivalent to oil and petrochemical. But as a hydrogen fuel cell. The hydrogen can be created through nuclear power, either thorium or fusion electricity generation. RGO fuel cells could possibly be swapped out at the "gas station" like you swap out your propane tank, exchanging the empty for the full. It would only take a few minutes. No recharging required. Because THEY would be doing the recharging overnight.

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