My mum, sister, their friend and I just plucked these healthy vegetables from our kitchen garden. We filled this 20 litre bucket for people mourning a loved one. I plan to plant more vegetables soon because the spider vegetables flowered too soon.
I have been mulching it with nitrogen rich vegetative leftovers from feeding our cattle.
I am working on this fun project. I will have the videos and pictures for you this week.
In other news, I have a neighbor who is getting water from a tap at home! He has installed a water meter and he will be paying $1 for 1m³(1000 litres).
I will be updating my substack posts oftener. I will definitely need your help from time to time but my substack will be free. I try to uplift the poorest in my community from time to time and my community at large. Maybe twice a month I will be posting my buymeacoffee link, I'd deeply appreciate your support.
Thank you.
Fossil Fuels for Africa.
So pleased you are safe and seeming to thrive, Jusper.
My poor Kenyans are in Hell with a gang attacking them and murdering one of them.
Hard times for them.
Get free, stay free...and safe.
that's brew; grog, plonk in our language