We delivered two more families LPG cans this evening. The children don't have to fetch the tree twigs and sticks after school. They have more free time to study and play with other children. I took this video of the kids fetching firewood at the end of last year. Somebody reached out and voila! Two LPG cans for these two needy families. We built Ongonga a house about two years ago btw and you can clearly see they are better off. They even a cow incalf- a sign of wealth.
Mochama and Ongonga's families are grateful.
A couple of hundreds of dollars later, and Fossil Fuels For Africa is officially registered in Kenya as an NGO. I have a ton of projects planned to better and develop my people and I also need to start thinking of building myself(and my team), a win win situation.. If anyone has ideas of how to get funding, please let me know. Thank you for all of your support so far.
You may support my work here
Or via lightning through
If you want to buy some LPG cans for some families, feel free to dm me. If you would like to help me connect some families to tapped clean borehole water or electricity, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Fossil Fuels For Africa.